![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t31/739939_456413521072337_1399391997_o.jpg) |
Facebook Timeline 01 Wedding Invitation (Orange and Gold color scheme) |
This is an orange & gold version of Facebook Timeline 01 for our client in Bataan. Facebook Timeline 01 is a 8”x5” two-panel folded wedding invitation. Its design is inspired by Facebook timeline, that is suited for couples who want a unique wedding invitation and want to incorporate Facebook design in it. Each set includes a pocket, a monogram, a folded card, an envelope, and a seal sticker. All, except the orange envelope, are using shimmery card stock paper.
To know more about this invitation, visit our website:
or email kalidad.printsandfavors@gmail.com
Client: Robert Mazon and Carmela Caccam (December 2012 Wedding)